
THE TRUTH ABOUT TIGERSA film by Shekar Dattatri, Duration: 40 minutesScreening on Friday 23rd April at 7:30pm sharp at Alliance Française Bangalore. There are limited seats so please take yours by 7:15pm. The screening will be followed by an interactive Q&A with renowned tiger scientist Dr. Ullas Karanth and Shekar Dattatri.About the film:The tiger, India's National Animal, is disappearing at an alarming rate from our forests. Government estimates reveal that there may be fewer than 1500 left. Why have India's tigers declined so drastically? What exactly are the problems facing their conservation? And are there any solutions to the crisis?…

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It takes a child… question whyshe needs permissionto answer nature wonder aloudwhy 'adults' oftendiscuss kids' issueswithout consulting inform 'leaders'that their needsare critical remind eldersthat they maybecitizens of tomorrowbut are around now!   Inspired by what I saw and heard from and about the young during the Civil Society Summit 2010, a commemoration and re-examination of 60 years of the Indian Republic and its constitution, held in Bangalore from 24th-26th January. 

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For a long time, I had been wanting to participate in the campaign against street sexual harassment (aka eve teasing) by Blank Noise. Finally, last Sunday (Aug-5) afternoon I joined the fortnightly action - this time on Church Street and Brigade Road from 3 - 5 pm. 5 of us reached out to around 150 pedestrians from different age, occupational and socio-economic backgrounds while displaying wall and hand held posters in English and Kannada. Some roadside vendors helped us enthusiastically while 4-5 male/female police personnel, taxi drivers and building security guards agreed with the prevalence of the issue and the message…

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  Women with courage, strength and patience. Supporting their children and each other. Speaking out against violence at home and outside. Despite the pain of abuse and the threat of ostracization and backlash. In India, Cameroon, China, Kyrgyzstan and elsewhere. Portrayed through the lens of sensitive and concerned artists. In the women's own voices and others'. This was Daughters of Fire, a festival of films and discussions on violence against women and women's resistance to it. Last weekend, Vimochana and the Asian Women and Human Rights Council in collaboration with the Bangalore Film Society and Alliance Francaise de Bangalore organized…

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