GENRE: In Focus

With school admissions in Mumbai for the new academic year in full swing, parents from different socio-economic backgrounds are scrambling to secure seats for their children in the best schools. The opportunities for those from financially and socially disadvantaged backgrounds, however, are not equal. This is where the Right to Education (RTE) Act was supposed to come in - allowing more children a chance at equal education. Introduced in 2009, Section 12 (1)(C) of the Act mandates 25% reservations in private, unaided, non-minority schools for those from disadvantaged backgrounds and economically weaker sections. This includes students with disabilities, those from…

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On a typical summer day in Mumbai, crowds of workers from different professions descend onto local train platforms in the city, waiting for the next train to fight their way into. Some of them are street vendors who are headed for the area where they will set up shop, on the streets, under large umbrellas or under the shades of trees. But there are also others — construction workers among them, who have no choice but to work while being directly exposed to the sun and hence face uniquely challenging conditions.  Gopal Ahlawat, one such worker, has to meet his…

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When Prime Minister Narendra Modi returned to Delhi on May 5th after a three day soak in pleasant European clime, the weather in the national capital was way better than when he had left. Yet, among the first things he did was hold a high level meeting where he instructed officials to take steps that would avert deaths due to heat waves and fire incidents. But one swallow does not a summer make. Those pleasant hours after some showers, high speed winds, and lowering of temperature, did not signal the end of the heat wave in the National Capital Region.…

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Neighbourhood parks of Chennai and the play areas in them see much activity in the summer. The schools are on a break and residents seek reprieve from the heat in some green cover. With the frequent lockdowns in the past few years, visiting the local park and play areas had become a rarity. But with the first signs of normalcy, the number of residents looking to spend time in parks for leisure is on the rise again. However, not all parks and play areas get the necessary amount of upkeep. Many smaller parks have faced much neglect, with the residents…

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Peak traffic on the busiest section of Tannery Road in East Bengaluru occurs around 6 pm. The heavy traffic makes driving through this narrowest stretch of the road time consuming — taking about six minutes to cover a mere 500 metres. Small shops line one side of this street which earlier was 40 feet wide but has now been reduced to a little less than 20 feet. The other side has the now familiar blue barricades of Metro construction. The Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (BMRCL) has had to demolish a water tank, gas agency and a few other shops…

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Mayor R Priya presented the annual  budget  2022-23 for the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) on April 9th 2022. The budgetary allocations for solid waste management are based on the premise of effective segregation on the ground, but what are the present realities?  “Waste Management in Chennai city is much the same as before, in some places people segregate waste and in some gated communities people manage their wet waste using in situ composting. Colour coded bins are the new addition and uniforms have changed. GCC has not been able to enforce the Solid Waste Management Rules 2016”, says P. Natarajan,…

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Chennai saw harrowing visuals of the self-immolation attempts by G Kannaiyan, a 58-year-old resident of Govindasamy Nagar. Kannaiyan immolated himself on May 8th in protest against the forced eviction drive carried out in the locality. He suffered over 90% burns and was declared dead on the morning of May 9th. Kannaiyan, like many residents of the area, was protesting the eviction of residents and demolition of their homes on the back of a Supreme Court (SC) ruling that labelled them as encroachers and ordered their relocation. A total of 116 houses have been demolished since April 29th, with further orders…

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Translated by Sandhya Raju 'அழுக்கு, குப்பைகள், அதிக அமிலத்தன்மை கொண்ட கறுப்பு நீர், துர்நாற்றம்' இப்படித்தான் ஓட்டேரி நல்லாவை அதன் ஒட்டி வாழும் மக்கள் வர்ணிக்கிறார்கள். சென்னயில் உள்ள 32 இயற்கையான கால்வாய்களில் ஒட்டேரி நல்லாவும் ஒன்றாகும். பக்கிங்ஹாம் கால்வாயில் வெள்ள நீரை வெளியேற்றும் உள்ளூர் நீர்வழி அமைப்பாக முக்கிய பங்காற்றிய இந்த கால்வாய், பல ஆண்டுகளாக பராமரிக்கப்படாததால் குப்பைகள் மற்றும் கழிவுகளை கொட்டும் இடமாக மாறிவிட்டது. 2015 வெள்ளம் இன்றும் இங்குள்ள மக்கள் மனதில் பீதியை உண்டாக்குகிறது. ஆனால், ஒவ்வொரு முறை மழை பெய்யும் போதும், 10.2 கி.மீ நீண்ட ஒட்டேரி நல்லா கரையோரத்தில் வசிக்கும் மக்கள் வெள்ள பாதிப்பை சந்திக்கின்றனர். ஓட்டேரி நல்லாவின் முக்கியத்துவம் கூவம், அடையாறு, கொசஸ்தலையாறு ஆகிய ஆறுகள் சென்னை வழியாக பாய்கின்றன. கடற்கரைக்கு இணையாக ஓடும் பக்கிங்ஹாம் கால்வாய், கூவம் மற்றும் அடையாறு ஆகியவற்றை இணைக்கிறது. கொசஸ்தலையாற்றின் துணை நீர்ப்பிடிப்புப் பகுதியான கிழக்கு-மேற்கு…

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Legacy waste in Chennai’s dumpyards has become a ticking time-bomb making headlines over the years. The latest in a long line of incidents at Chennai’s dumpyards was a fire that broke out in Perungudi in the last week of April. The blaze spread across 15 acres and took four days for the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC), Fire and Rescue Services and the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB) to put out.  While much is talked about waste management and the source segregation of household waste, such incidents bring into sharp focus the scale of legacy waste at the…

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One way to be aware of issues of impropriety and poor performance in local government bodies and departments is to track the audit reports from agencies like the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG). This article is the fourth of a series by experts from Indian Accounts and Audit Service. A country’s socio-economic development is largely linked to the natural resources it possesses. With mineral resources being an important component. Karnataka has huge reserves of minerals like iron ore, limestone and gold among other natural resources, and its ranking based on mineral reserves and production capacity within India varies…

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