
One building...On my way to and from the Bangalore International Airport, one building often catches my eye:I have long known the custom of the Parsi community to dispose of their dead by exposing the bodies to the elements and to the sun. I vaguely remember being shown a "Tower of Silence" in Mumbai, many decades ago.I googled for "Tower of Silence", and got this link about Dakhma, transliterated as "Tower of Silence" I was not sure if the Tower of Silence in Bangalore is being used now...but a little digging produced this link to an article in the Hindu ...which…

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   At 8.30 pm on the 4th of April, I took the BIAS Vayu Vajra (BIAS 12, to KuVemPu Nagara)nfrom the airport to my home.On the way, a group of four passengers got on,and asked for tickets. They paid Rs. 60( four tickets of Rs.15 each) , and the conductor said that the tickets would cost Rs.20 each. The young man who was one of the group protested, saying that he had taken the Volvo yesterday and had paid only Rs.15, and he would not pay the higher amount.The conductor insisted that the amount was correct. The passenger demanded that the…

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"Bangalore is not a garden city any more!" is a common refrain that I have been hearing for over 3 years. It is definitely not the cool town that we had visited a few times during summer in the mid 1980's, escaping the scorching Chennai heat. (Apparently, it was still a pleasant place when my husband started his career here over a decade ago). This situation reminds me of the song Ayyayyo Bengaluru lamenting this city's deterioration rendered during the first edition of Namma Jathre (Freedom Festival) in Cubbon Park in 2006. So what are the reasons for this live…

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Parking Cafe at BIAL

Having got the info from Amit Chaudhary about the affordable food at BIAL (Bangalore International Airport Ltd.), I decided to find it and check it out, too. Where is it?When you come out of the Arrivals area, you have a long corridor stretching perpendicularly in front of you. First cross the car lanes, and on the right, you will find the BMTC buses. Go further and on the right, you will find the Sulabh Pay and Use toilets. Go to the left of, and behind, this building, and behind the area where all the taxis are parked, is the Parking Cafe:…

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Amit Kumar Chaudhary, who is also a member of the cycling mailing list that I belong to, had recently cycled to BIAL, where he made a discovery that would benefit all of us. Here's what he said in an email to the rest of us:"For those who wish to have garma-garma Idli and Tea/Coffee at  regular prices at BIAL, there's a Shanti-Sagar type resturant called Parking-Cafe. It is located behind "Pay & Use Toilet" but the Cafe is clean and hygenic.I had little bad experience today and that led me to this discovery."What was the experience, and what was the…

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I received this announcement just now:Bangalore International Airport is delighted to announce its first Hasiru Habba.The objective of the Hasiru Habba is to create awareness to the community on environmental harms and to provide a simple message in effective way to every individual to make a positive change.Bangalore International Airport is conscious about your organization and the work that your organization is engaged towards environment. Bangalore International Airport would like invite your organization to be a part of this first ever Hasiru Habba to be held at Aiprort commencing from 15th August 2009 to 17th August 2009. Kindly accept this…

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