
I've written earlier, in this post about artisans who make a living by repairing jewellery. On Sunday, two friends and I went to Commercial Street, a shopping area in Bangalore. Off this street is another narrow street, called, quite appropriately, Jewellers Street. Both of them had jewellery that needed repair, so we found a small shop. "Gun Short" is actually a "gunshot", using a staple gun to pierce the ear quickly and painlessly. "Manul" piercing could also be done. My friends showed the shopkeeper the work to be done, and negotiations for the amount to be charged were successfully concluded.…

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On 23rd November 2013, PNLIT had the opportunity to be at the first Baldwin Business & Career Fair, an initiative pioneered by my school alumni, the Baldwin Alumni Association - for Baldwinians, by Baldwinians (Baldwin Boys & Baldwin Girls). Special thanks to Major Goverdhan (from the organising team) who persuaded me to come down to Bangalore for this.   One of the primary objectives of this event, which is planned to be periodically held, is to create an interactive platform where eminent Baldwinians, industry leaders can inspire and mentor the high school and graduating students as they begin to make critical…

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I went on a 3 hour trip with a few industry leaders as well as BBMP officials yesterday, looking at some of the 'trail' of waste in the city. The idea was to get buy-in from all the chambers of industry to start doing whatever they can within their own campuses and also understand the economics of the waste trail. Three places that we visited all have important learnings to offer.The biogas plant at IIM, Bangalore substitutes for 16 cylinders of LPG each day, out of the wet waste collected on campus itself. It cost about 10 lakhs to set…

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Getset and Go decided that they did, after all, want to sell a stake in their company to the Zing Group. They went back to Gyan, their advisor.Gyan, "Looking at this in a lighter vein, you have now moved to Level 2, in this game of selling your business. Level 1 has been completed; the result - you have decided to go ahead with the possible sale. As you move on to Level 2... you need to answer the next set of questions and get into this game in much more depth." Getset, "Oh Gyan, not again... more questions?"Gyan, "…

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