Volunteers from Kasa Muktha Bellandur presented a small token of appreciation to the invisible & often neglected workforce of our society by distiributing cloth bags & sweets to the Pourkarmikas by the volunteers at various muster points (Doddakaneli, Panathur Bridge and Sarjapura Total mall) on the occasion of Ganesha Festival.
Every morning even before we have our first cuppa tea, all these workers are out there on the ground, sweeping streets, picking up our garbage & keeping our surroundings a little more cleaner (to be dirtied by the citizens once again – day after day!). We understand that a lot needs to be done / should be done as far as waste management & upkeep of public places is concerned but can’t imagine how our surroundings would be without the help of these invisible hands.
Special thanks to Seema Sharma for coordinating & Prasad Yvr of CottonQuest for sponsoring the wonderful cotton bags.