Articles by Vanessa Peter

Vanessa Peter is a social activist and policy researcher working in the space of low-income and informal settlements (slums and the urban homeless) across the State since 2005. In 2013, Vanessa founded the Information and Resource Centre for Deprived Urban Communities (IRCDUC), a social initiative that seeks to address the disconnect between the poor, policy, and policymakers. Having been associated with the office of the Advisor to the Supreme Court early in her work, Vanessa was monitoring the implementation of the ‘Shelter for the Urban Homeless' programme. As a result of her lobbying and advocacy, there are over 100 shelters across all the Corporations and major Municipalities across Tamil Nadu. She was also instrumental in the designing and implementation of 'Shelter for Urban Homeless' for the Greater Chennai Corporation. Presently, she is a member of the Shelter Advisory Committee to monitor the programme. She is also a member of the Voluntary Advisory Committee of the Gender and Policy Lab of the Special Project Department of the Greater Chennai Corporation.

In recent years, the resettlement sites in Chennai have become areas of concern due to many infrastructure and safety challenges affecting their residents. People in resettlement sites like Perumbakkam, Semmencherry, Kannagi Nagar, and other places grapple with problems of inadequate water supply, deteriorating housing quality, insufficient police presence, lack of streetlights and so on. In Part 2 of the two-part series on women-led safety audits of resettlement sites, we look at the findings of the recent audits and recommend improvements and policy changes.         Here are some of the key findings of the safety and infrastructure audits in the resettlement…

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Safety is a fundamental necessity for all, particularly for women, children, young people, elders, persons with disabilities, gender-diverse groups, and other vulnerable sections of society. This basic need fosters a sense of inclusion and enables active participation in family, community, and societal activities. Enhanced safety promotes mobility, physical and mental wellness, employability and financial independence. It supports autonomy in decision-making, including decisions related to reproductive health. It also encourages increased social engagement and participation in governance. Improved safety in personal, professional, and community spaces works as a catalyst for empowerment and reduces systemic gender disparities. In Part 1 of a…

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