New Year Resolution: Being the Change

This year has seen some great moments for India and Indians.. and some really low times. Through much of the year, predictions were being made about how we have some of the best years of growth ahead. However … the last few months have left us with a sour taste, we have seen one scam after another being reported and discussed. These have touched almost all of us in some way or another. Many names that we held in high esteem have been dragged into this. Media persons, politicians, corporate czars, bureaucrats… trusts, NGOs, the list of individuals and groups at whom fingers are being pointed is endless..

As the year draws to a close, this is a time for introspection. Instead of pointing a finger at others, as the Father of our Nation, Mahatma Gandhi has said.. Let us be the change that we want to see in this world.

What is the legacy we want to leave behind for our future generations, our children, our children’s children? Do our children want money and wealth, power and prestige from us at any cost? Would they prefer to have a scam-tainted parent or grandparent? Or would they prefer to have hardworking elders in the family, whom they can be proud of? Whom they are not ashamed to claim as their own?

We all have choices that we can make. As entrepreneurs and business leaders.. we can set trends in our business.. and so impact society. You could be the future hope for the country. What messages would you like to send out? Forget about the others around you, they may be good or bad, ethical or unethical.  What kind of person do you choose to be? Which path would you like to follow as a citizen of this country? Every citizen matters. Every citizen’s choice in this matter..does matter. A good deed can shine in a bad world. A single small light in can dispel darkness in a room.

This is that time of the year that we can make our choices and resolutions. Do reflect on your choices.. your actions … in 2011 and the coming decade.

I live in hope. May 2011 be the year we renew our faith in the citizens and common men and women of the country and in ourselves. May more of us pledge to tread the path of goodness, courage and hope. May we take a vow to be true and honest to ourselves and to our country. May more of us say… I can make a difference. May more of us be the lights that shine on the path of truth and justice in 2011. Happy New Year. May you be blessed with Health … physical, mental and spiritual.


  1. Neelima Vobugari says:

    Thanks for the Article. Motivating and inspiring!! I wish we will achieve something good as entrepreneurs in year 2011 and make indians feel proud of us 🙂

    Wish you all a Happy New Year 2011.

  2. Geetha Manoneeta says:

    Thanks Anjana ! Not only for the inspiring message generally, but for speaking the mind of millions of Indians..young and old…who are as much disturbed by the speed with which ethical values are being compromised.Money can buy worldly possessions.But only honesty and character can earn one respect. At the end of the day a clear conscience is the softest pillow to rest one’s head on. And It is certainly not all that challenging…..whenever temptation beckons at one ( with no one around to notice what you are up to and the likelihood that no one will ever come to know what you are doing)all one has to do is to ask oneself whether he/she can face him-/her- self after falling a prey to the temptation. Geetha Manoneeta

  3. IIM Student says:

    Respected Anjana Teacher,
    I read your article and it is inspiring. I had forgotten that this year i should make resolution, which i make every year. My resolution is to help others and animals as well. I appeal to the citizens to support women who are in distress. Best of Luck to women entrepreneurs!! Happy New Year !!

  4. Debasree says:

    Very apt article especially in today’s troubled times when it seems “the end justifies the means” …..

    i would just like to add, like hundreds of honest, upright citizens of India, that may ethics, honesty and pride in our work combine to form a strong enough force.

    As start-ups and entrepreneurs, may we be strong enough to live by our convictions, and inspire others to do so too! happy new year…

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